About us

The Silicon Low Code team

The multidisciplinary Silicon Low Code team has years of experience in developing successful low-code applications. We excel in efficiently translating complex data processes into intuitive solutions.

Do you have a question about low-code? Contact our team today!

Silicon low code ontwikkeld door Fenêtre Online Solutions
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Dutch supplier
Silicon is a product of the Dutch company FenĂȘtre.
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17+ years of experience
Silicon has been used for more than 17 years, in hundreds of projects.
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300+ projects
Silicon has been used in hundreds of projects, including our own systems.
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One team, one mision
Our mission is crystal clear: Flexible software that fits your organization.

Solution-oriented collaboration

Our team always strives for healthy, long-term cooperation. That is why we do everything we can to keep our customers satisfied. When something comes up we find new solutions together. Not only during the development process, but also afterwards.

Where possible, our team will contact you personally to discuss ideas, questions and problems directly.

Contact us

Silicon Low Code Team software ontwikkelen
Silicon Low code team aan het werk

Open and reliable

With us there are no strings attached. Doing business honestly, pragmatically and openly is in our roots. When you work with the Silicon team you receive a realistic quotation and you are kept well informed of project progress. Open collaboration and a long-term relationship ultimately creates the best results, for everyone.

Based on these principles and our Agile project approach, your software projects succeed and we will more than meet your expectations!

SMEs and multinationals in various industries

Many companies have gone before you, we have been developing software and web products for companies in various industries for more than 17 years.

Low code developers

Agile, scrum & DevOps

Develop and deliver software in manageable parts, according to your wishes. That is what we do. With automatic testing and automatic quality & safety checks.

Every software delivery is tested for functionality, quality and safety, and then (semi) automatically delivered to test and production.

Read more about our unique methods

Experience the speed and efficiency of Silicon yourself!