
The power of Low-Code software

The Silicon Low Code platform is the solution for developing new applications or modernizing existing legacy applications, so that they are ready for the future.

Discover it yourself with a personal demo!

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Internationaal en wereldwijd low code
Toepassingen van low-code applicaties

Innovate with low-code applications

Is your organization still using outdated, slow software? Become the pioneer in innovation with unique systems that seamlessly fit your processes in every respect. This way, your organization maintains its agility in a rapidly changing market.

  • Build from scratch

    Create completely new applications with Silicon that perfectly match your business needs, without long delivery times of old-fashioned customization. Realize your digital vision quickly with our short time-to-market and expertise in business software.

  • Rebuild legacy systems

    Modernize legacy applications with a modern interface, and the security and flexibility of the latest technology. Silicon enables you to seamlessly renew and optimize existing software for today's demands.

  • Prototype new ideas

    Accelerate your innovation process, quickly build working prototypes to test your new ideas. With Silicon, you can turn your ideas into tangible solutions immediately, so you can iterate and improve faster.

Applications that seamlessly match the unique needs of your industry

Onderwijssoftware op maat)
The perfect software for every educational institution. From course administration to integration with external systems. View the possibilities for your organization now.
Maatwerk verzekeringssoftware)
Fast and easy custom insurance software. From policy management to integration with external systems. View the applications for this industry now.
Zorg software op maat)
Innovate in healthcare with custom software, cost-effectively developed to the exact needs of your organization. See now how Silicon can support your organization.
Zakelijke dienstverlening software)
Business services
Fast and easy custom business software that perfectly matches the needs and processes of your organization. Read more about how we develop business-critical software.

Proven effective in hundreds of use cases

The value of Silicon has been proven in the successful development of custom applications for various applications. With our platform we develop flexible and efficient solutions for various types of business software such as:

  • CRM systems
  • Customer portals
  • Project management tools

View all use cases

Silicon logo left Silicon logo right
Zorg applicatie programma clienten
Productbeheer applicatie scherm
Database gegevens ontdubbelen applicatie
Zorg software fysio oefeningen store
Rollen en rechten beheren in applicatie

Suitable for Startups, SMEs and large organizations

Silicon meets the needs of your organization, regardless of size. Our applications grow with your success.

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Silicon enables startups to develop custom software quickly and cost-effectively without extensive engineering resources. Start smart, begin your business with flexible systems that can grow with you.
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For SMEs, Silicon helps you develop custom software efficiently and affordably, without the need for an extensive IT department. Build flexible and scalable solutions that grow with your business and support your specific needs.
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For large enterprises, Silicon offers the ability to develop complex, mission-critical software quickly and efficiently. Create powerful, scalable solutions that meet the highest demands and integrate easily with your existing systems.
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