
Low-Code software development

Custom software that suits your company, developed as efficiently as possible. Easily adaptable for complex extensions and seamless integration with other systems. That's how Silicon benefits you.

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With the Silicon Low Code platform you benefit from a time-to-market that is up to 10 times shorter than with traditional programming. In addition, maintaining and securing the software also takes considerably less time thanks to Silicon.

  • Switch faster
  • Shorten testing
  • Reduce risks through immediate feedback


Prepared for the future with Silicon, whatever happens. Our applications grow with your organization, and thanks to the structured design and open source code, you are not tied to our team or our low-code platform.

  • Piggyback on lessons learned
  • Scale with developments
  • Easy to maintain


Make optimal use of your budget. By using standard components and cloud solutions you save valuable time in development and maintenance.

  • No costs per user
  • Low maintenance costs
  • One-time license fee


Silicon Low Code is the modern method for software development. The combination of standard components, code generation and cloud solutions come together in a stable software product, flexible to adapt to your wishes and requirements.

  • Extensive standard functionalities
  • Complex custom extensions and add-ins
  • Code is easily customizable
Low code software screen Internationaal en wereldwijd low code Maatwerk software ontwikkeling Low code applicatie scherm


Silicon applications grow with your organization, thanks to multilingualism and enterprise capabilities. Not only does Silicon provide an interface that makes it easy to switch between languages, but the software also works with localization tables for multilingual data.

  • Multiculture application interface
  • Multilanguage data
  • Multitenant cloud ready


Benefit from custom software development with Silicon, completely in line with your wishes. With automatic testing and automatic quality & safety checks. Every delivery is tested for functionality, quality and safety, and delivered (semi) automatically.

  • Develop and deliver in phases
  • Shared responsibilities
  • Multidisciplinary team


Ensure yourself of happy IT employees and satisfied end users in every department. The intuitive user interface makes it easy to use every Silicon application.

  • Low support costs
  • Increase productivity and reduce errors
  • Wide use through accessible screens


Choose safe and reliable software development. Silicon software has passed various pen tests and has been proven effective in numerous customer cases. Errors and unsafe code are ancient history thanks to the standard approach.

  • Continuous OWASP testing
  • Continuous improvements based on customer input
  • Proven technology from Microsoft and proven open source
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See the benefits of Low-Code in action

Automated subsequent settlements
At Allianz, one of the largest insurers worldwide, the accurate and efficient settlement of insurance premiums is a recurring process. Lots of opportunity to optimize with a future-proof application.
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Afspraken applicatie smartphone
Smartphone app, back office & portal
Mobile appointment app, back office and online portal with a Silicon framework. Linked with Google Fit & apple health and extensive functions such as an appointments, chat and video calling tools.
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Pexels Pixabay 315938
International fleet management tool
Maintain large amounts of customer policies and vehicle data with a Silicon Low Code management application. System with business rules per country, linked to government agencies.
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Rotterdam verzekeraars
More efficient insurance market quotation process
For the VNAB, the trade organization for the business insurance market, low-code supports an optimal quotation process. Digital support while maintaining flexibility and speed.
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Modernize your legacy software

Silicon Low Code is the ideal solution to modernize outdated legacy applications and get them ready for the future.

Is your business software in urgent need of updating? Discover for yourself how Silicon makes this transformation possible - in one of Silicon's proven case studies.

Read the case study now

Experience the speed and efficiency of Silicon yourself!