The Dutch trade organization for the business insurance market, the VNAB, is working with Fenêtre on various digital solutions for the co-insurance market.
The Co-polis project focuses on realizing a fast and flexible quotation process, which reduces the lead time and provides freedom where necessary.
Exchanging, checking and retyping data to create a quotation is a labor-intensive process. To optimize this process, we are developing a new solution with Silicon; Co-polis. Co-polis will use one-time recording of data.
By automatically exchanging data between systems, retyping and manually checking data will be a thing of the past.
With traditional customization, system integration takes months of work, Silicon simplifies the integration options through software components. By connecting Co-Polis to existing IT platforms and back offices, it fits seamlessly into the overarching work process.
This project is being developed using the Agile working method, which allows functionalities to be developed and tested in different phases. An important advantage of this method in combination with Silicon is the possibility of adjustments based on feedback, and the rapid realization of new functionalities for further testing.
A first version of Co-polis has been delivered to a group of selected users, that way they can get a head start with testing the developed functionalities. In these user acceptance tests, experienced employees from the field can provide feedback on the alpha version of the application, and their feedback can be implemented during development.
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